
The social and economic benefits of the Gulkula Mine are explained in the below video:
Core services and expertise
Opened in December 2017, the Gulkula Mine is the first Indigenous owned and operated Bauxite Mine in the world. Gulkula undertakes all the below phases of the bauxite mining process.
Drilling involves taking samples of the bauxite reserve under the ground within the exploration lease boundry of the mine.
Mine Planning
Mine planning takes the data collected from drilling to determine the bauxite quality and quantity. Gulkula Mine planning optimises the bauxite ore body extraction while minimising the amount of land disturbed in the process.
Land & Fauna Survey
Traditional Owners identify any areas of cultural significance in the proposed mining areas. Trees with fauna are identified and managed prior to tree clearing.
Tree Clearing & Mulching
Trees are cleared and pushed into piles ready for mulching. To minimise carbon release, mulching trees is undertaken instead of burning. Mulched trees also assist with increasing the quality of topsoil.
Soil Removal
The topsoil and subsoil above the bauxite reserve are known as overburden. Topsoil is removed and mixed with the mulch to promote an increase in organic matter into the topsoil. Overburden is also removed and placed in a location for rehabilitation.
Rip & Push Bauxite
Once overburden is removed, a dozer rips the bauxite ore body and pushes it up to an ore face.
Haul Road Construction
Haul roads are contructed to allow haul trucks safe and efficient access to the bauxite ore face.
Crush & Screen Bauxite
Bauxite can be crushed and screened to a size suitable for end users.
Haul to Customers
Bauxite is loaded onto road trains for transport to customers.
Rehabilitate Land
Once the ground is prepared, seed collected on the mine site over the year is spread over this area. Tube stock trees and shrubs grown in the Gulkula nursery from seeds collected across the mine are also planted to support the land rehabilitation.